(Civil Engineer -:- Visiting Professor )
Certificates Membership Consultancy

I had been nominated by the AMERICAN BIOGRAPHICAL INSTITUTE Inc. to receive the GOLD MEDAL FOR INDIA intimating me vide their letter 06,June 2008.

More than 25 years experience in monitoring of projects and construction management and construction supervision of Infrastructure Projects of Civil Engineering. Have undertaken projects right from preparation, management to execution for Infrastructure Works. Extensive experience of more than sixteen years in contract management, rate analysis, estimation, project preparation, economic evaluation, construction supervision and technical evaluation of Civil Engineering Works. Is conversant with the relevant technical specifications and FIDIC conditions of contract. The India International Friendship Institute prestigious "Rashtriya Gaurav Award" conferred to me.THE BEST CITIZEN PUBLISHING HOUSE HAS CHOSEN MY NAME FOR THE "Best Citizens of India Award" VIDE THIER LETTER OF 06,OCT.2009

I have / am providing my services as a Civil Engineer for Consulting and Contracting Firms of repute- which include: Haq Consultants Pvt.Ltd ; Louis Berger Inc in association with CES Ltd and ORG ; Louis Berger Group ;Consulting Engineers Group,Jaipur; BCEOM;SOWIL; Sir Owen Williams Innovestment Ltd; Dorsch Consult (India) Pvt.Ltd ; GVK Jaipur Kishangarh Expressway ; Shah Technical Consultants Pvt. Ltd ; EMA Unihorn ; SMEC (India) Pvt. Ltd ; Tahal Consulting ; Shrikhande Consultants Pvt. Ltd;IPEGlobal : ICT(P)Ltd ; SMEC ;CEG ;Meghraj Financial Advisories (p)Ltd; Tetra Tech India Limited;:::etc..

The INSTITUTE OF ECONOMIC STUDIES, New Delhi, vide their letter IES/VSP/INT-2004 had proposed to confer the "VIKAS SHIROMANI PURASKAR" to me for outstanding performance in the field of Engineering, on 19-August,2004!

I had been nominated by the INTERNATIONAL BIOGRAPHICAL CENTRE,CAMBRIDGE,ENGLAND as a member of the IBC "Leading Engineers of the World-2011". intimating me vide their letter 04 March 2011,Ref : LEN/inv.

I have been selected for National Citizenship Gold Medal Award in 2016 by Global Economic Progress and Research Association for specialization in fields of Industry and Education.

I have been selected / Nominated for specialised service in the field of EDUCATION on 09,Aug,2020 for "BHARAT RATNA Dr. RADHAKRISHNAN GOLDMEDAL AWARD 2020 by Global Economic Progress and Research Association (Tamil Nadu-India)

I had been selected by the Citizen Integration Peace Society,New Delhi to be awarded the "ASIA-PACIFIC EXCELLENCE AWARD" for distinguished service for my Country in the year 2011.

National Education and  Human Resource Development organization , Mumbai nominated myself and my organization (IeesD) for RASHTRIYA UDYOG RATNA AWARD in the year 2012.

The Institute of Technical and Scientific Research has selected me for "Life time Achievement Award" of the ITSR foundation 2023 in association with Institution Of Engineers (India), Rajasthan State Center,Jaipur and Ambuja Cement Foundation.

I have been featured by "www.businesstalkz.com" "s "NOTABLE PERSONALITIES OF INDIA in their 05th edition of 2024.

PLEASE SUBSCRIBE TO MY drnitinjhanwar.substack.com

(Subscription box is on Contact page)

Verification of :Traffic Survey, Reconnaissance Survey, Engineering Survey methodologies, Assessment of overall capacity, Augmentation needs, Analysis of demand-supply gap and  formulation of strategy for implementation.


1.0 Financial and Economical viability analysis of an ROB at Hindaun Bypass in the state of Rajasthan. This was formulated as per the current Road policy of the Goverment of Rajasthan, India.Responsible to the senior advisor of the firm(1997).

2.0 Networking of Eastern states (Nagaland and Mizoram) with respect to traffic loading: present and future scenario.Responsible to the CMD of the Firm(1994-1996).

3.0 Prefeasibility, Detail Design and Project Management Consultancy of Rajasthan Urban Infrastructure Development Project of six cities in the state of Rajasthan. Responsible to the Team Leader of the Projects.(1997-2005)

4.0 Detail Design of the Rajasthan State highways Projects. Responsible to the Team/Dy Team leader of the Project.(1999)

5.0 Project Management Consultancy of Mumbai Pune Expressway Section D. Responsible to the Chief Project Manager.(1998-1999)

6.0 One of the First BOT project " Jaipur Kishangarh Expressway" Responsible to the Chief Project Manager of the Conccessioner.(2004)

7.0 One of the First Project on Annuity " Project Management Consultants" of NH-2 . Responsible to the Team Leader and Managing Director of the firm.(2004-2005)

8.0 Detailed project reports of NH-1 and NH-3 . Responsible to the Team Leader and Managing Director of the Firm(1999-2000).

9.0 Financial and Economical viability of SH-22 in the state of Gujarat . Responsible to the Managing Director of the Firm(2001).

10.0 After giving my services as Reader in the Civil Engineering Department of KITE,Jaipur,Raj.gave consultancy and advice to  the students and relevant faculty  for formulating the " Integrated TownShip Project " as per the guidelines and technical specifications of various line departments(2008).


12.0 As Team Leader for Quality Audit of Municipal Corporation of Greater Mumbai' s Roads. Responsible to the Jt.Managing Director of the firm.(2006-2007)

13.0 Gave my Civil Engineering inputs on the NATPAC report to JDA and PWD. (1992-1993).

14.0 Gave my Services as Senior Consultant to TSCPL,New Delhi for the World Bank funded project "Introduction of E-tools for Project Management in Construction".In addition I am associated with their ongoing and future projects. (Aug 2012-till date).

15.0 I have given the Detailed Project report for Phase two of about 23Kms of Jaipur Metro Rail on Swiss Challenge to Government of Rajasthan/India (SPV) .The same phase has, I have proposed myself as Independent Individual Reviewer for other Detailed Project Report to Asian Asian Development bank-the Loan (Financial Agency)

16.0 Team Leader for Operation and Maintenance of Rajiv Gandhi Sea Link (Jan. 2016 to April 2016), Mumbai.

All the above projects required a clear understanding of the Contract and Technical Specifications. All the above projects had one or more activities being done with innovative methods and the results have been positive. Most importantly all the above projects were completed before or on original time schedule, without any cost overruns. 

Some of the Major Projects in which my opinions/suggestions/observations as Independent Individual Civil Engineering Consultant  have been :

1.0 Project Procurement Related Audit of Highway by Asian Development Bank's Integrity Division,Manila. My inputs were almost verbatim accepted by the Client after the Mission Leader's scrutiny and policy inputs.(2005)

2.0 Quality and Project Management Appraisal Document of Municipal Corporation of Greater Mumbai's Roads,reprting was to the jt.Managing Director of the Consulting firm.(2006)

3.0 Design and Construction methodology of Bituminious and Wet mix macadam on Kishangarh Nasirabad bypass NH-79A . The technology was German based and my reporting was to the team leader and Director of the Consulting Firm.(2002)

4.0 Concept plan of Bus Rapid Transport System in Jaipur, Rajasthan (2008)

5.0 Concept and initial design methodolgy for Drainage Master Plan of Japiur City. (2008)

6.0 Revitalization of Jaipur Walled Area. The comments were also reflected in the subsequent project approval by MoUD,GOI.(2008)

7.0 Project formulation of Integrated Township.(2008)

8.0 Traffic Management through flyovers in Jaipur city. Concept and feasibility presented at the Secretariat of GOR.(1999). The plan was implemented as per the feasibility report..

9.0 Innovative design and construction of road side drains as per guidelines of Client.(1996)

10.0 Integrated route corridor of BRTS and Metro Rail Project of Jaipur city.(2009)

11.0 Tentative Alignment on 28,April 2011 to Bureau of Investment Proposals,Rajasthan for Jaipur - Delhi Expressway,which was finalised by the Govt.of Rajasthan on 25,Feb.2012. I have emailed the justification of my Alignment criteria to Planning Commission of India on 26.Feb.2012 . Further feasibility will be taken up by National Highway Authority of India in Consultations.

I can represent Contracting and Consulting Companies and Semigovernment organisations  in their Arbitration cases.

 Educational Qualifications and  Experience ,Memberships and Empanelment:


 Bachelor of Engineering, (Civil): (1985-1989) with distinction from S.V. Regional College of Engineering & Technology,Surat (Gujarat).


 M.E. (Transportation,2000-01) from MREC, Jaipur. Had passed the college semester courses in first division and gave expert consultancy as a student coordinator to the relevant faculty with the Consultancy Works in the Transportation Sector (Dissertation not submitted). Also found eligible to appear for interview for pursuing PhD course in MNIT,JLN Marg,Jaipur (Civil Engg.in December 2007)  (Not Appeared) .

 Have been found eligible by the Evaluation Committee of Belford University for PhD in Project Management-Civil Engineering, (Vide AW 8614125,in Oct2006(BU-2006-9-353263)) and Evaluation Committee of Rochville University for Associate Degree in Law (Vide AW 7635490 in Oct.2006 ) .

Attended the Training Course by INFRASOFT in April 2002 for MX-Technology Exchange.


I am Fellow Member (Honorary) of Institution of Civil Engineers (UK) : Membership number :- (9372732)

I am Member of IoV Registered Valuers Foundation (IOVRVF/M/L&B/14234)   Also Member :- Working Group of Valuation Standards Advisory Board- Land and Building.

Was member (Independent Individual) : Indian Roads Congress (M-25885)

Life Member (Independent Individual) : Institution of Engineers (India). (M127186-5) AND AM ENTITLED TO USE THE TITLE : CHARTERED ENGINEER (INDIA) .

Was Member till April 2016 (Independent Individual):Consulting Engineers Association of India.(M-352)

Life Member (Independent Individual) : Indian Council of Arbitration.(IL/ICA/2167)

Was member (Independent Individual) On panel in FICCI Arbitration and Conciliation Tribunal.(A/2006-244/E)

Fellow Member (Independent Individual): Institution of Valuers(India) (F-18718)

Independent Individual Consultant on Project Basis in Asian Development Bank.(022231)

Registered as Independent Individual Consultant on Project Basis in World Bank Group (Five Institution: One CSOD:Careers)

Independent Individual Consultant on Project Basis in African Development Bank.(W001405 Shifted to W021166)

Was registered on the Roster of Consultants of UNESCO-in the engineering,evaluation and dispute resolution of the Natural Resources Sector.

I WAS A MEMBER{Nitin Jhanwar,Ph.D.,C.Eng,R.L.S :: Member#:9127210}of American Society of Civil Engineers,till Feb.2014-Subsequently have expressed my Interest for Honorary Fellow Status to ASCE.

Was registered as a Member (Independent Individual)with the Cities Development Initiative for Asia.

Was registered as a Expert Member with Consultancy Development Center,Promoted by DSIR and Department of Science and Technology,in the Urban Development Sector,since 2009 for Project Appraisal,Audit,Education Management(Expert 2352-(Independent Individual))

WAS on Panel as Independent Individual Consulting Civil Engineer - of City Managers Association of Rajasthan,till the year 2013 for their Capacity Building.

Was on Panel as Independent Individual Consulting Civil Engineer (In the Retainer, Dedicated Consultant Category for the FYear 2012-2013) of Urban Development and Housing Department,Rajasthan,India-for Design Verification,Project Management Advice,Contract compliance mechanism.

Was registered with the Association of International Consultants as an Independent Individual Consultant.

I am in the rosters as Individual Consultant and Expert as a Civil Engineer  of almost all the relevant Multilateral Financial Banks and majority of relevant Advisory and Risk Management funds. My Expertise includes Engineering Design And Construction audit, Capacity Building .and Asset Valuation.., Contract and Project Management....

I am on the resource pool as Faculty of HCMRIPA :- Harish Chandra Mathur ,Rajasthan Institute of Public Administration -: A apex level training Institute of Government of Rajasthan in the Nation of India.

I am part of the Gerson Lehrman Group Inc. as network member and as an Individual Civil Engineer --Professional Consultant.

Have given and developed lecture development methodology for the relevant faculties of reputed educational institutions. Also am  Professor of Practice and registered in ( pop.ugc.ac.in ) / External Expert Evaluator / Individual Incubator  in Civil Engineering for AICTE and UGC approved higher education institutions . I am on the Wall Of Fame on Cyber Kings India_The largest ecosystem for startups in India. Its gives me more cerdibility as an INCUBATOR for relevant Startups in India and abroad.

I am on the panel as Individual Incubator and Professor in the field of Civil Engineering in International Association of Colleges and Universities (www.IACUGLOBAL.ORG)

I have peer reviewed two papers in the year 2022 of Civil Engineering domain of the Springer " International Conference on Recent Advancement in Civil Engineering" . The conference was organized by the Civil Engineering Department of " Oriental Institute of Science and Technology, Bhopal". The papers were titled " Overview of Green Rating Systems World Wide " and "Amalgating Lean and Six Sigma : An Approach Towards Optimizing the Construction Process "

I am editor / reviewer for the book series " Futuristic Trends in Construction Materials and Civil Engineering. " of IIP. IIP _ Interative International Publishers is registered in India as Raja Rammohan Roy ISBN Agency, Governement of India and Bowker ISBN Agency, USA.

I AM ALSO THE SELFinvestingPROPRIETOR Cum Chief Executive Officer (Independent Individual) OF "INSTITUTE OF ENVIRONMENT EDUCATION AND SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT",Jaipur,Rajasthan,India. A "VIRTUAL Think Tank"(Regd.No: 446/JP/94-95)(Postal / Registered address: M-126, Mahesh Colony (Near JP Railway Underpass) ,Jaipur-Rajasthan-India-302015 ::: WHICH IS DEDICATED FOR FORMULATED / FORMULATING POLICIES's APPRAISALS AND COMMENDABLE RESEARCH REVIEW INCLUDING CONSULTANCY OF CIVIL ENGINEERING INDUSTRY.  @iEeSd_Nj is the twitter.com handle, @IEESD is the #Koo Handle . Facebook Page :https://m.facebook.com/people/Nitin-Jhanwar-IEESD/100064643473570/  ::: Linkedin Page :https://in.linkedin.com/in/nitin-jhanwar%F0%9F%A4%B3-ieesd-b241a3180 

Am on the Panel as External Evaluator (Independent Individual) for  Projects of reputed Consulting Firms.

Was on the Panel as External Evaluator(Independent Individual) (1990-2013) for  All Rajasthan Contractor's Association (Formerly CA),whose office is in Public Works Department,Jacob Road,Jaipur,Rajasthan,India.






Overall as an Independent Individual Consulting Civil Engineer         




From and To




(Rs Crores)



Mott MacDonald Private Limited.

Senior Highway Engineer cum Sub Consultant

Aizawl (Mizoram) Project Planning Design and Management Consultant and various other projects

28, November 2022 till 01st Feb 2023 and henceforth on Panel @500 Asian Development Bank and other multilateral cum national banks

EKA Infra Consultants Private Limited , Mumbai : Principal Consultant 

Review of designs of Industrial Zone at point Noire ROC in the democratic republic of Congo.

Design and review of a road and other infrastructure in the Sultanate of Oman.

May 2023 till date @ 500 Crosssectorial and Multilateral 

M/s. GPCL Consulting Services LTD 

Lenders Engineer's Representative for Phase 1 and 2 roads in the Country of Maldives. 

Infrastructure Specialiast for World Bank Funded : Consultancy Services of Procurement Audit for WSIDP2, Angola,Africa

November 2021 till  01st Feb 2023 and hence forth as Associate Consultant. Project to Project Crossectorial, and Multilateral

Ashoka Buildcon Ltd.


 East Coast Road (Bypassing Georgetown)

Remote Consultant for Quality Assurance Manual. Material Mix Design Methodology. Geometric Alignment Review_Design Standards.   

Sept 2022 till March 2023

As Consulting Reviewer. 


East Coast Road (Bypassing Georgetown)

World Bank 
Team Leader for Output and Performance based Road Contract (Singrur to Bhatinda -Punjab (India) ) on Behalf of Shrikhande Consultants Pvt.Ltd-Mumbai.

Feb 01,2022 till 31 July 2022 and till date for and as External Reviewer for  design of Highway and related sector


Punjab Roads and Bridges Development Board. 

And multilateral and crossectors

Eka Infra Consultants Private Limited , Mumbai :Sub and Associate Consultant 

June 2020 till June 2022 @ 100  Multilateral and Crosssectorial

5dAdvisory LLC -Qatar

Associate Individual Expert Consultant

Dec.2020 till date Project to Project Multilateral 
On Panel and as advisor for  Civil Engineering Inputs for Transactory Advisory and on Board of Directors as Individual Independent Civil Engineer Consulting Director for Global Investment And Development Consulting LLC-Dubai,UAE which is in close association with the Conglomerate of Urbas Grupo Financiero, Spain. Jan 2019 Till Date Project to Project Multi Lateral Financing Agencies
On Panel As Individual Consultant for Lochan and Company mainly for Disbursement Level Indicators Projects Jan 2020 till date  Project to ProjectProject to Project Multi Lateral Financing Agencies
Individual Senior Consultant-On Panel on behalf of Total Synergy Consulting Private Limited (Mainly for ULL) Jan 2020 Till Date Project to Project Royal Danish Embassy and DANIDA. Mutilateral Financing Agencies.
Deputy Team Leader cum Construction Manager on behalf of AlmondzInfra for Smart City Project at Dharamshal,Himachal Pradesh,India 2nd August 2018 till 18th December 2018  500 Smart City Mission Of Government Of India
Road Expert :Project Management and Design Supervision Consultants  in Rajasthan Urban Infrastructure Development Project (RUSDP)- in India Oct.2017 till March 2019 (Intermittant) 3000 Asian Development Bank

General Manager (Transportation)


01,Dec.2017 till !5th Feb 2018 1000 Multilateral
Professor in Civil Engineering Department of KITE,Jaipur and head of Consultancy development division. 01,July 2016 till 22,September, 2017 Not applicable Not Applicable
Team Leader for Operation and Maintenance of Rajiv Gandhi Sea Link, Mumbai (Jan 2016 to April 2016) Jan. 2016 to April 2016 Plus 100  Private and MSRDC

Professor and Vice-Principal ,JIEM , Jaipur -Rajasthan

14,December 2012 till 30,May 2013 :::On Panel as Expert since 31,May 2013 till date

 +20 Crores

 Multilateral ( AICTE and UGC and Rajasthan University)


General Manager (Highways) Intercontinental Consultants and Technocrats Pvt.Ltd

 April 2011 till 06,May 2011

09,May 2011 till December 2013 :: on Panel as Individual Consultant

 +2000 crores

Highway Design Engineer/Resident Engineer/Team Leader/Pavement Engineer /Contract Engineer/Design Review-Independent Individual Consultant for Various prestigious Companies e.g. Engineering Conultants (India) DG/CEG/SOWIL/LBII/LBG/GVK/HAQ/SCPL etc... From 1990 to 2010

10,000 crores